22 September 2024

Sunday Stamps | Small Yellow Creatures

Three little yellow creatures for today's Sunday Stamps, dedicated to the colour Yellow.

Common Arctic Bumblebee (Bombus polaris)
Canada, 2007

Oregon Swallowtail (Papilio oregonius)
USA, 1977

Grey Wagtail (Motacilla cinerea)
UK, 2023


  1. I have shared a butterfly too.

  2. The bee stamp is so beautiful! The bird is cute: do they really wag their tail?

    1. Yes although its more a bobbing motion, beautiful birds to watch in streams and on land.

  3. I love that Canadian stamp series

  4. These are beautiful creatures! I'm scared of bees and birds (just because of the bee sting and bird's beak!) but I love looking at them - from a distance :D . Your butterfly stamp reminds of my mum who I miss very dearly. Thank you sharing.

  5. These are beautiful creatures! I'm scared of bees and birds (just because of the bee sting and bird's beak!) but I love looking at them - from a distance :D . Your butterfly stamp reminds of my mum who I miss very dearly. Thank you sharing. (Apologies for the double post.)

  6. I do love watching bees. I do like those Canadian insect stamps and agree they should be bigger.

  7. Those are all beautiful and happy to look at! I live in Oregon, and I've seen swallowtails, but none that looked like that. Very pretty.


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