03 February 2025

Te Rerenga Wairua

Te Rerenga Wairua (or Cape Reinga) is the northwestern most tip of the Aupōuri Peninsula, at the northern end of the North Island of New Zealand. According to Wikipedia:
In Māori, Te Rerenga Wairua means the leaping-off place of spirits. Reinga is the Māori word for underworld. Both refer to the Māori belief that the cape is the point where the spirits of the dead enter the underworld.

I have received postcards featuring this beautiful place twice, but never from New Zealand. The postcard above was sent by postcroseer Paul from Germany, and the postcard below, by my friend Mélissa in Canada (many years ago).


  1. Fascinating that you've received postcards of NZ lighthouses more than once, but sent from other countries

    1. It is not easy for me to get mail from New Zealand. I have got three Postcrossing postcards, and maybe a couple of postcards from penfriends travelling there. But never a lighthouse!

      Sometimes, people send me lighthouses from other countries, because they know I love any lighthouse in the world :)


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