03 September 2013

Greek Mail Art

Three collages (front and back) made by Katerina (Greece) for the VQR Postal Project:


  1. I love your LVQR project! So interesting to see all packages from so many countries. And Katerina created a beautiful combination of two 'loves': LVQR and IUOMA :-)

    Thanks to the both of you for sharing the side of the LVQR package! Funny detail is that the languages are not Greek and English, but Greek, French and... Dutch!.. Dunno why?!

    1. There is a lot of funny facts around the VQR that I didn't know, concerning languages, sizes, advertisements... So I'm getting a lot of fun with this project (well, now I have a lot of work to answer all the people who send VQR during the summer...).

      I usually publish all the works in the blog of the project, but I public also here from time to time to see if I can encourage more people to participate.

      And it's me who must thank YOU, because you are the best contributor! :D


Thank you for coming. All your comments make me extremely happy.