05 January 2020

The Magi Are Arriving Tonight!

And they will bring presents... I hope!

This wonderful collaged envelope was sent by John (the UK).


  1. J'adore l'enveloppe et les timbres ! Melchior ,Gaspard et Balthazar venus rendre hommage à Jésus et lui apporter des présents or myrrhe et encens! Aujourd'hui on mange la galette des rois et chacun espère trouver la fève et devenir le roi ou la reine !

    1. Ici, on la mange demain :)

    2. Oui l'épiphanie c'est le 6 mais les boulangerie vendent la galette et on peut manger de la galette pendant au moins un mois, celui qui a la fève achète une galette etc etc bonjour les kilos :(

  2. A very nice envelope. Love the vintage stamps - thanks for showing a large version - the artwork is very detailed.

    1. I love this illustration.

    2. Interesting that they are riding horses rather than camels. Gives the stamp a medieval look, I think.

    3. I wonder where the tradition of camels comes from. When my parents were children, the Three Kings arrived on a horse (or mule!).

    4. Father Christmas, nowadays, arrives by boat to our town... :P

    5. Haha. Now mules/donkeys seems more logical than the others.

  3. I wonder (not knowing my horse breeds) if these were Arabian horses?

    1. They do seem high-spirited and have a somewhat concave face, so maybe.

    2. I didn't notice they ride horses (both on the stamp and envelop) instead of camels until I read the comments! Because I was focused on the three kings on the envelope, wondering why they all had the same colour.

      Of pictures here in NL I mainly remember that they came by foot to visit the newborn, at least the last part of their journey. Them riding on camels I've seen on stamps :-)

      And yes, the white horse on this stamp looks like an Arabian horse, due to the shape of the nose, but of the yellow horse it is less obvious.

  4. The most important thing is that they arrived yesterday... with a lot of presents for everybody! :DDD

  5. Oui tu as raison Eva et les interprétations divergent selon les époques ,les différentes découvertes et les historiens ,il est même écrit que le nombre de rois mages n'est pas spécifié ,qu'ils viendraient de trois continents différents ,bonne épiphanie

  6. And your card (letter to the Magi) arrived today! As did the Dinosaur. And your Corral de Comedias from Almagro arrived yesterday.
    Thank you so much! I feel me 'de koning te rijk' = 'richer than the king' :-)


Thank you for coming. All your comments make me extremely happy.