22 August 2024

Thursday Postcard Hunt | Homer & David

Roman bust of Homer (2nd century AD, copy of an original of the 2nd century BC). British Museum, London, UK.

David, by Michelangelo (1501-1604).

Sent by Laura (the UK) and Irina (Belarus).

Thursday Postcard Hunt
August theme: ART
  • Week 1 - Statues, monuments
  • Week 2 - Paintings, watercolours
  • Week 3 - Public art, murals
  • Week 4 - Sculptures
  • Week 5 - Crafts, fabric art, textiles
Everyone is welcome to share their postcards!


  1. Both of these have lovely (detailed) curly hair.

  2. Of course these sculptures are the best!!! Incomparable.

  3. Many thanks for visiting and commenting!


Thank you for coming. All your comments make me extremely happy.