17 October 2024

Thursday Postcard Hunt | Vineyards

I think I love vineyards as much as wine...

Walla Walla, Washington (the USA)

Lower Austria (Austria)
Wo die wahren Schätze kostbar sind
'Where the real treasures are precious'

Toscana (Italy)

Postcards sent by Julia (Austria), Bryon (the USA) and Bruno (Italy).

Thursday Postcard Hunt
October theme: FOOD/DRINKS
  • Week 1 - Fruits, vegetables
  • Week 2 - Sweets, desserts
  • Week 3 - Wine, beer, tea, coffee
  • Week 4 - Multiples, multiviews
  • Week 5 - Markets, cafés
Everyone is welcome to share their postcards!


  1. Lovely cards. I just opened a bottle of Toscana wine yesterday!

  2. Oh! I forgot about vineyards! Grapes on the vine are so pretty. I have wild grapes going quite wild in the backyard!

  3. where I live there are lots of vineyards but I have no postcards of them. I like all these neat rows of grapes.

  4. Oh nice cards! I remember helping to collect grapes from the vineyard as a little girl… and eating it too.


Thank you for coming. All your comments make me extremely happy.