29 July 2011

Streets & Cafés

Received from Laura (Spain).
Streets and cafés in Burgos (Spain).

28 July 2011

Humans Are the Weirdest

Sent by Salina Sagace to the mail art call Weird Existing Animals (the Netherlands).
Altered postcard (the original at left).
Also published here.

27 July 2011

26 July 2011

25 July 2011

24 July 2011

Stone Messages

«Mensajes que llegaran, papeles envolviendo una piedra. Mensajes de cariño que rompieran el cristal de mi cuarto.»

El Último de la Fila
(«En los árboles», Como la cabeza al sombrero)

22 July 2011

21 July 2011

No Mermaids Here

Altered postcard received from Jo (the Netherlands).

20 July 2011

ATC from Canada

#069 Chemist
ATC made by Matthew (Canada). Also published here.

#051 Phillip yelled
ATC made by Matthew (Canada). Also published here.

19 July 2011


Received from Lotte (the Netherlands).
Food box turned into a postcard.

17 July 2011

Sometimes I Write Letters

«A veces escribo cartas para no sentirme atado, para no aferrarme a remilgos  que yo quisiera abolidos de mi vida. Y pinto de colores los sobres. En el remite soy un enigma. Espero siempre una respuesta para sentirme querido. Como los niños chicos.»

El Último de la Fila
(«En los árboles», Como la cabeza al sombrero)

15 July 2011

Birds in Your Mail Box II

Sent to Heleen (the Netherlands).
AD (for the Spanish railways company) turned into a postcard.

14 July 2011

Embroidered Angel

Received from Namom (Thailand).

13 July 2011

Birds in Your Mai Box I

Sent to Heleen (the Netherlands).
Collage made from an article about endangered birds.

12 July 2011

Little Monsters

You are a little monster
Sent to Tonina (PC).
Collage on a folder for a writing set.

Hi, little monster
Sent to Matthew (Canada).
Collage on a folder for a writing set.

11 July 2011

Enric, Beatrix and Me

Sent to Tarya (Finland).
Collage made using the poster of 24th Book Fair of València (author: Enric Solbes) and The tale of Benjamin Bunny (author: Beatrix Potter).

09 July 2011

From Tuvalu

This special postcard was received from Tuvalu and belongs to "Send Tuvalu to the world" project for Earth Day 2010.

Tuvalu is a Polynesian island nation located in the Pacific Ocean, midway between Hawaii and Australia, formerly known as the Ellice Islands. 

I'm lucky because they live less than 10,500 people in Tuvalu. So it's quite difficult to get a postcard from there!

And it could be more difficult in the future. Due to global warming and the rising of sea-level, there are predictions that in the next 50 years the entire population will have to be evacuated. The ocean can swallow Tuvalu whole, making it the first country to be wiped off the map by climate change.

08 July 2011

Mail Is Freedom

Sent to Jori and Heleen (the Netherlands), Elizabeth (the USA), Keijo (Finland), etc.
A series of three postcards issued by International Amnesty.

07 July 2011

Bright Flower

Received from Tonina (PC).

05 July 2011

Every Single Thing Can Be a Postcard

Sent to Ann (the USA) and Heleen (the Netherlands) so far. 
Entrance ticket sent as a postcard.

04 July 2011

Le Schtroumpf Paresseux

Sent to Heleen (the Netherlands).
Price label of a pillow turned into a postcard.
Also published here.

01 July 2011

Handmade Swimming Pool

Sent to Laura (the UK).
Review cutting turned into a postcard.