As I was the lucky winner of challenge #1 from Mail a Smile, I had the right to choose the theme for challenge #2 and Micu wanted to meet me. But, alas, the trip from Morocco to Hungary was too expensive, so she had to be content with publishing an interview.
(Wow, I'm becoming famous in the snail mail world!)
I also won a letter-surprise, but it has not arrived yet. I'm impatient!
(Wow, I'm becoming famous in the snail mail world!)
I also won a letter-surprise, but it has not arrived yet. I'm impatient!
Fame indeed! Like you, I don't advertise for direct swaps but I do sometimes end up with a penpal trhpough postcrossing. I'm not as ambitious as you and my only languages are English and French (which I am better at reading than writing). I like to choose either an appropriate card or nice paper but I agree it's the messsage that counts. It's a good job really because not matter how hard I try my handwriting not pretty (though I hope it is legible).
ReplyDeleteI'm full of admiration that you have kept one penpal for 25 years. I had a couple of penpals as children but didn't really get back to writing letters until a couple of years ago.
It's a shame postal charges seem to be going up everywhere. Another rise here in April!
All this is leading up to saying if you want a UK (Liverpool) postcrossing swapper or penpal I'd be happy to do so.
I can be found at
Thanks for your comment. I've sent you a message via the Postcrossing site.
DeleteHhahahah, ja ho vaig pensar! Les entrevistes són molt, molt interessants i la idea de practicar les llengües que saps també és molt bona! Jo tenia un supercorresponsal quan era menuda, era alemany i ens havíem conegut un estiu i hi va haver un dia, un any més tard o així, que va venir a Catalunya. Jo aleshores encara vivia al poble, però anava cap de setmana sí, cap de setmana no, al dentista a Barcelona. Ell estiuejava per Tarragona i mons pares m'hi havien de dur a la tornada, a l'adreça indicada. Però no va passar i al final van canviar de plans no sé per què, potser se'ns havia fet tard, i no hi vam anar. Li vaig escriure una carta de seguida, jo tenia dotze anys i estava feta un mar de llàgrimes. Però ja no em va contestar mai més. Cinc o sis anys més tard ho vaig tornar a provar. No sé si va ser despit o un canvi de domicili o què. Un any de cartes i ja em va semblar que havíem compartit tant! Té uns cognoms corrents i no l'he sabut trobar, ni una notícia, ni tan sols en l'era de l'Internet. Jo sóc del tipus nostàlgic, quan fa anys que no veig un vell amic, passés el que passés, hi penso i a vegades els escric o els truco, per saber com els va tot. He trobat poca gent que fes el mateix al llarg de la meua vida, però poqueta i ho agraeixo tant! Ja no som amics de l'ànima, les ferides o la distància poden ser massa grans o simplement ni t'ho planteges, però sí que m'agrada saber què fan, gaudir amb els seus èxits de tant en tant. Ara la meua excompanya de pis, amb qui vaig perdre totalment (i voluntàriament per part de les dos) el contacte durant quatre o cinc anys, ha tingut una filla ^^
ReplyDeleteJo en part sóc com tu! Crec que no he deixat mai un missatge (carta, postal...) sense respondre (hi ha alguna excepció: missatges desagradables o peticions estranyes, és clar). Però la gent de vegades desapareix i avant, i sempre em pregunto què haurà passat amb aquell o amb aquell altre.
DeleteHi havia un acudit molt bo de "El Jueves" que comentava, quan va eixir el Facebook, allò que "et permet retrobar-te amb gent amb la qual havies perdut el contacte". "Però", deia el comicaire, "si has perdut el contacte serà per alguna cosa, no?" :D
Potser és estrany conèixer d'aquesta manera, per carta, alguns amics. Però les històries d'amor i d'amistat... no són sempre un cúmul de casualitats?
DeleteCongratulations, Eva, on the interview and on the fame! I really loved to read your interview, and oh, even though I've seen the pictures before, I am happy to see again these pictures of your mailboxes. The one in which you receive your mail and the yellow one where your letters and postcards are starting their journey!
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing, and I hope Micu and you will have the opportunity to indeed meet irl one day!
Thanks for coming. I really love this mail project of "Mail a Smile", and it was a surprise when Micu wrote to me... I hadn't realised there was a winner!
DeleteI wanted to send other pictures, but didn't know which ones...
Have your participated in the challenge #2? I think it's really generous to "ask" mail not for themselves but for other people. I like the idea to spread smiles around the world trough mail... (of course, this is not news!)
I'm busy creating for Micu's Mom, a cup of ... [I'm keeping it secret for you whether it'll be tea or coffee until the mail art has arrived :-) ]. However the technique I use is a bit time-consuming for me, so I am belated... Though I think/hope I'll be in time = before the 31st of March..
DeleteI totally agree with your words: it is great to spread smiles around the world through snail mail!
And I saw in the gallery you have been busy creating beautiful tea/coffee mail art!
Thanks! I'm sure your mail art will be amazing as usual. It's difficult to choose between tea and coffee, isn't it? :D
DeleteI am so happy to read everyone's kind words:) I will keep posting interviews with the winners and I hope some people might find new penpals via Mail a smile:)