12 September 2014

How Did you Find Me?

Besides of the sites listed under the tab Some sites I love, which are my favourites, I read a lot of mail-related pages and blogs. 

Sometimes I have been impressed by the huge amount of mail that some people are able to cope with. By people who write things like that: "I get mail from approximately 25 different people every week". That would be impossible to me to manage (I mean, if I want to have a real life and not just a mail life). Firstly, because of the money, of course. And mainly because I like to write every letter with love, and make every piece of mail art be unique and special, and choose carefully every postcard according to the recipient's tastes, and write this blog about... And all these things require time.

I prefer to focus in quality rather in quantity. In my introduction (Who?) I wrote that "I prefer not to waste my time writing about what I do not like". It is true, but now I need to add: "If there is one thing I don't like is to receive mail which can be send to anyone". Isn't supposed the snail mail to be more personal? So what is the point of that? 

Last May I received a postcard one of these mail-collectors-blog-writers. I had previously exchanged some words with her due to our blogs. The postcard was unexpected. The picture was nice. The words were strange and disappointing:
Hey darling! [...] Today I'm enjoying watching the wind move the blinds on the windows in Richard's bedroom.
Let alone she didn't write my name (nor hers at the bottom). But who is Richard, please? I thought the postcard wasn't really addressed to me. Or that it belonged to some project like Send 30 postcards in 30 days. Anyway, even if it is very very little, there is always some effort in every piece of mail. So I decided to reply with another postcard. A handmade one with a theme I knew she loved.

Two months later I have received this one back:

If the first postcard was written to "darling", this was to... "Lua"!?! Nice name, its meaning being 'Moon' in Portuguese. It's a pity that my name it's "Eva" (and I am not Portuguese). She told me my postcard was "adorable" (thanks). And then she ask me: "How did you find me? (Just curious)". Well, darling, I don't know if you are prepared for that... But the ugly truth is that I was just (more than politely) trying to reply to your postcard. Maybe if you had read any of my adorable words you would have worked it out.

By the way, this is my second postcard with these characters. This first one was sent by Daniel (USA), through Postcrossing, long time ago:


  1. I don't do postcrossing, so I'm not familiar with the etiquette, but I totally agree with you that letters should have a personal touch and have some relevance/connection to the recipient.
    One thing I really don't like is the letters - one size fits all - that get sent out with Christmas cards. If I send a letter with a card, it's an individual one.
    Have a lovely weekend :)

    1. I think Postcrossing is different. The aim of PC isn't to engage sender and recipient in a long relationship (however, sometimes it happens).

      But if someone decide to send me a postcard to say "hello" or "I like your blog"... Well, the least thing is to write an individual one with, as you wrote, a personal touch.

      Thanks for reading.

  2. M'has deixat en estat de xoc... Per què hauria de voler rebre postals i cartes si no les llegeix i li és igual a qui s'adreça? Fins i tot si és un desconegut, no intentes imaginar-te'l? Encara no ha arribat cap postal meua de Jordània! ag

    1. És estrany. Tot i que de vegades escric o envio mail art a gent desconeguda, o amb qui la relació no continua (o existeix dos cops per any)... sempre hi ha una conversa al darrere, un fil. Però hi ha gent ben estranya...
      Em vaig emprenyar una mica, ja es nota en l'apunt.
      Encara no ha arribat la teua postal. I la meua?


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