16 September 2024

States Project | The Last Frontier

Alaska and the slogan The Last Frontier are among the words that always make me dream!

Another fantastic postcard from Bryon's States Project.

15 September 2024

Sunday Stamps | Paris or London?

Today's theme in Sunday Stamps is A Travel Destination. I do not feel like travelling very far away right now. So, would you prefer...


Tower of London

Palace of Westminster

Buckingham Palace

...or Paris?

Eiffel Tower

There are not so many stamps specifically dedicated to souvenirs, are they? The last two belong to this set: Iconique Tour Eiffel.

12 September 2024

Thursday Postcard Hunt | Bay Bridge

The Gov. William Preston Lane Jr. Memorial Bridge (informally called the Chesapeake Bay Bridge and, locally, the Bay Bridge) is a major dual-span bridge in the state of Maryland. 

The original span, opened in 1952 and with a length of 6,4 km, was the world's longest continuous over-water steel structure. The parallel span was added in 1973. 

The postcard was sent by Phillip (the USA).

Thursday Postcard Hunt
September theme: BRIDGES
Everyone is welcome to share their postcards!

11 September 2024

Chocolate Mail Art

Envelope made of a bag from a chocolate shopping, sent by Bryon (the USA).

Envelope made of chocolate wrapping paper sent to Fabienne (France).

10 September 2024

How Is Your Summer - XII

Summer collage made by Fabienne (France).

Send inside a matching (and critical) envelope:

And all these stamps that scream Summer to me!

09 September 2024

Letter Writing As Activism

Since writing is the only thing I can do very well, I wondered recently if there was a way of doing some good in the world by using this skill, other than authoring books or becoming a journalist. I was thinking of the impactful letters I’ve read, sent by everyone from Vincent van Gogh to Rabindranath Tagore and wondered if in our digital world, a handwritten letter would stand out more and, therefore, have more of an effect. I know we can’t always calculate what impact our actions would have, but that didn’t prevent me from looking up whether letter writing has ever made a difference, a question I didn’t really need to ask, because of course it has.
Letter Writing as Activism - A Reading List

08 September 2024

Sunday Stamps | Germany from Above

Swimming pools in Witten

Two stamps from the series Germany from above, issued in 2020 and 2021.

Housing estate in Lübek

Actually, although I do not have got the whole sets, these se-tenant stamps look far better when in pairs:

An entry for Sunday Stamps. The theme today is Aerial Views.

06 September 2024

How Is Your Summer? - X

'Because there are miracles,
we just have to work hard for them.'

From the Judit Berg's book Rumini és az elsüllyedt világ (='Rumini and the Underwater World'), illustrated by Anna Kálmán. Postcard sent by Micu (Hungary).

05 September 2024

Thursday Postcard Hunt | From Iran

I had previously shared this postcard, but it is a very special one, because it is the only one I have ever get from Iran. It shows Khajoo bridge in Isfahan.

Thursday Postcard Hunt
September theme: BRIDGES
Everyone is welcome to share their postcards!

04 September 2024

How Is Your Summer? - IX

Postcard and stamps sent by Bryon (the USA).

03 September 2024

How Is Your Summer? - VIII

Hand illustrated envelope sent to Heleen (the Netherlands).

02 September 2024

01 September 2024

Sunday Stamps | Local Snacks in Hong Kong

French Toast & Hong Kong Waffle

Two stamps from a 6-stamp set issued in 2022, dedicated to Traditional Snacks in Hong Kong, for Sunday Stamps

Egg tart & Custard tart