12 April 2015

Building a Nation

Today Sunday Stamps-II's theme is People at Work. When I read it, I immediately thought of the forever USA stamps that honour America's Industrial Workers. These were issued on 8 August, 2013. There are 12 different designs, that feature black-and-white photographs of early 20th century industrial workers.

I have received only two of them: a crew member guiding a beam on the Empire State building and a textile worker.

I decided to show these stamps as I received them, along with other American stamps. More information about them, in case you are interested:
-USA flag and for amber waves of grain (24 April 1981)
-March on Washington 50th Anniversary (23 August 2013)
-A flag for all seasons (3 May 2013)
-Edna St. Vincent Millay (10 July 1981)


  1. These stamps are perfect for the theme. I've never seen them before - very striking.

    PS, I do like your new blog background!

    1. Thanks for your comment. The background is taken from"A Pattern A Day" (http://a-pattern-a-day.tumblr.com/)

    2. A mi també m'agrada molt!

      Per què sempre em venen els mateixos segells? He de demanar-los especials?

    3. A mi la gent d'Estats Units em diu que a l'oficina els deixen triar...

    4. doncs a mi no m'ho han preguntat mai i sempre vaig a l'oficina...

    5. Ho hauràs d'investigar... :)

  2. I agree, a great choice. I have used these stamps many times, although I am close to running out of them, and they are sold out at the post office. Yet I didn't even think of them for today's theme.

    1. I have received these two more than once, but never the rest of the set. I love the black and white pictures for stamps.

  3. I've not seen these either. Good choice.

  4. These are really nice but I'm not sure if our little PO in town have it.
    Willa @Postage Journal:Sunday Stamps #98

  5. Quina casualitat! Ja veuràs la meua entrada d'avui!

  6. Perfect choice - and I didn't know about them until now!

  7. Oh--I like these! The black and white print makes them very nice!

  8. I like your senders combinations of stamps. I've seen the 'building a nation' stamps before but as a block so when they are postally used it really brings out each individual stamp. I love them.


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