24 April 2015

Bunch of Letters

Day before yesterday's mail

The postal service has become sort of crazy lately. Most days I go to check my post office box fruitlessly: empty, empty and disappointingly empty again. And one morning, suddenly, I find this bunch of letters (with the string, yes).

I'm not sure if I will ever get used to receive mail every ten or twelve days. But the system seems to work that way right now.


  1. I think MomKat at IUOMA was saying that the Greek postal service has been doing the same thing - deliveries of mail at random intervals. Yours seems even more unusual since you have a PO box.

    It does make for a great picture, though.

    1. Well, that won't be a problem if the mail arrives! But I'm not going to the PO every day as I used to do.

    2. Et tenien massa vista :D

  2. That is CRAZY! But I agree - the photo with the string is cool.

  3. With cows in front, yay! :-)

    Well, I must confess that I put 3 pieces of cow mail in the letterbox on the same day - hush, hurry, for the LVQR's deadline! - so it's not weird that the mailmen delivered at least these at the same day too (if indeed the three (or were it four?) of them are in this package :-) ).

    1. Yes, I have noticed about the VQR avalanche :D
      But still, there were a lot of letters that day, and I hadn't received anything during about ten days...!

  4. Ha de ser molt frustrant... És millor el detallet cada dia, tot i que aquest feix fa goig. Aquí passa el carter fins i tot en dissabte ^^

  5. Però jo no tinc claus de la bústia, així que: a) quan els propietaris de la casa no hi són, no sé si m'ha arribat correspondència, b) els paquets els deixen directament al porxo :s i sé de gent que això els ha portat disgustos i c) quan els propietaris troben les meues cartes, m'ho deixen a les escales que donen al meu apartament.

    1. Doncs si el carter a Espanya deixa un paquet al porxo i passa un supervisor, li'n pot caure una de bona!

  6. I suppose the disappointment on the blank days is to some extent made up for by the pile of mail when they do arrive. You never know whether you are going to get none or a lot. It's a lottery - a bit like life.

    1. You're absolutely right. So we love the lottery of mail, don't we? :)


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