15 April 2015

Literary Houses on Postcards

After Dicken's House...

Keats House

Keats House, in Hampstead (North London, the UK), once occupied by the English Romantic poet John Keats. I cannot help showing another postcard from this museum. Is there a better way to finish a love letter?

Ever truly yours, John Keats

Chiswick House

Chiswick House is located in west London (the UK). It was designed by Lord Burlington and completed in 1729. There are a lot of literary details in this house. For instance, this furniture that finished in Chatsworth House, the building that inspired Jane Austen Pemberley's of Pride and Prejudice... As my friend wrote, the whole house is like being inside a novel. 

She also told me that every room has a different colour. I like to have postcards of inside and outside

Knole House

And Knole House is located near Sevenoaks (Kent, UK). The oldest part of the house were built by Thomas Bourchier, Archbishop of Canterbury between 1456 and 1486. On Bourchier's death the house was bequeathed to the See of Canterbury and Sir Thomas More appeared in revels there.

The house ranks in the top of five England's largest houses. In the picture above, the north-west front, almost certainly built between 1543 and 1548. In the postcard below, the Ballroom.

All the postcards sent by Laura (the UK).

What a long post today!


  1. I'm sure I have Beatrix Potter's house somewhere - I shall search!

  2. Oh, jo hi voli anar i al final no recordo què va passar...

    1. Keats!! I tu quina triaries?

    2. Si he de triar, jo sóc "austeniana" :D

    3. Jo també ho sóc, però la de Keats em quedava més a prop :D a Austen l'he visitat a diversos llocs!

  3. I love the ballroom postcard--so lovely!!


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