13 April 2015

Do Write When You Can

«I also here must offer apologies for going so much without having engaged you at all. I had a friend who wrote letters to me in my 20s and would go on & on and never ask a single question, so I never knew if he was even interested in what I might say. So, please, dear reader –how is with you? Are you well? Do write when you can.»

Larissa Dickey, last paragraph of a letter published in The Letters Page 1


  1. I've just taken a glimpse at the Letters Page - it looks super, I shall explore it further at some stage.

    1. Oh, you should! I really enjoy reading the letters they publish! I thought I have told you about The Letters Page.

  2. Oh dear, you may well have done - my memory is not what it was. I could hardly get past the first one without quoting the editor's comment on my blog.

  3. Avui has de dedicar una entrada al doodle de google.

    1. El vaig veure ahir :)
      Hauré d'esbrinar si s'hi poden posar al blog (?).

    2. Però al Marroc no eixia aquest, eh?

    3. No, només és un gift! No li vaig dedicar molt de temps a l'assumpte :)


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