06 April 2015

One Morning, The Postman Brought Three Postcards...

I have received these three mail-related postcards the same morning, from Laura (the UK), John (the UK) and Ania (Hungary). I like the way their colours and theme match! See the details:

Postamúzeum, Budapest

By Lagom Design

'One morning, the postman brought
Mr Strong a letter'
Mr Strong to the Rescue (1981)


  1. Very nice postcards! One great thing about receiving multiple cards at once is when the senders actually thought of our preferred theme on the postcard!

  2. Great! I especially love the retro styled card.

    1. I'm unable to decide which one is more beautiful, I just love these cards and the lovely messages from the senders :)

  3. That's a great mail day! I love all of them!


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