06 February 2019

Not Just Bills

«Rosa senta-se à mesa e pega no correio. Só há cartas com contas para pagar, da luz e do telefone, dos Bombeiros e da Câmara. Rosa lê-las em voz alta para avó, de uma ponta à outra. São como cartas de familiares distantes e dão a sensação de que alguém quer saber delas: "Cliente número 763970, a sua conta encontra-se em pagamento, etc."

Quando acaba de ler aquilo -folhas brancas manchadas a preto-, começa a pensar  no milagre que são aquelas nódoas, aquelas letras, num espaço tão perfeito. Umas manchas negras, impressas, fazem contas, dizem-nos coisas, contam histórias e mandam-nos para tribunal, matam-nos, salvam-nos. Pega nos envelopes, vira-os de um lado, vira-os do outro, pega nas cartas, observa-as. »

Afonso Cruz, Jesus Cristo bebia cerveja


  1. I love these quotes! I've never seen my regular mail like this (except when they had unusual postal additions), maybe because I produce regular paper at work, too (no, I'm not sending contas :-) ).
    Wondering why there is a bill for fireworkers??

    1. I guess you mean "fire-fighters". But I don't know why they would charge a bill to citizens...

  2. Really thought-provoking - I like the part where the bills 'kill us, save us'. I had never thought about them that way before. I'm not looking forward to the taxes this year - since they changed the code last year, many people have had much bigger bills to pay.

    1. And who is looking forward to the taxes? ;-)

    2. Usually i get a refund :)

    3. Until last year (in which I had to make an additional payment) I was looking forward to tax refunds letters, too.

      Concerning killing letters, I know debts (and thus letters promising increasing debts) cause stress and can influence health in a very negative way. So indirectly they may contribute to death, too...

  3. I am afraid I don't have this kind of mail any more. All my "regular mail" is personal mail (except for a subscription to a magazine), all the rest is done online, usually: bills, taxes...


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