02 February 2019

HitM | Two "Homes"

Wind from the Sea, 1947 
Tempera painting by Andrew Wyeth

A couple of postcards sent by Lilli (Canada) to the Houses in the Mail project, that show what home is for some.

Update: More information about this window, here.


  1. Ah superbe,Phillip m'avait envoyé un courrier avec trois timbres merveilleux de Andrew Wyeth,je possède cet album des doors (parmi d'autres ),j'aime beaucoup les doors ,ma chanson préférée est"The crystal ship"

    1. Je ne connais pas beaucoup sa musique.

    2. Francis Ford Coppola "Apocalypse now "The end "
      Je pense que cela va te parler :)

  2. The window and vitrage photo is wonderful!
    I don't know if 'vitrage' is the correct name in English, in Dutch we name this type of curtain 'vitrage' (while in Flanders they say 'glasgordijn', instead of the borrowed-from-French 'vitrage'; gordijn is the Dutch word for curtain).
    Funny that the other card shows an other type of curtain (we name it 'luxaflex').
    And that we can see Doors, but no usual door (entrance to Jim's hotel). I didn't know that album cover.

    1. The amazing fact is that it is not actually a picture, but a tempera painting.

  3. Oui ,la fenêtre entrouverte ,le vent qui s'engouffre à travers la vitre et le rideau qui volète ,j'aime l'effet de transparence ,le blanc du ciel ,la transparence de la vitre et du rideau !

  4. I am used to calling that a net curtain... not quite as exotic as the French description. I looked for another word - they are also called voile curtains (although I have never heard this in person - I bet interior designers use this :).

    So amazing to be able to paint that curtain blowing in the breeze. Such delicate work.

    1. Yes le voile est un tissus très léger qui sert de rideau et on utilise le mot "carreaux pour vitres" "laver les vitres ou laver les carreaux

  5. And now I am amazed there is an interesting discussion about curtains on this blog... ;)

  6. Merci pour le lien sur Les Doors ,il y a quelques mois je suis allée au cimetière du père Lachaise !


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