21 February 2019

Lettering Postcards

This is an extract from the definition of Lexicographer, from Samuel Johnson's A Dictionary of English Language (1755).

A, Amen, folio 79r
The Book of Kells is written in Latin. The letters J, K, U ans W were not used by the Romans; they were added in the middle ages. J was created form the letter I while U and W were developed from V. Q was used only before a U which was followed by a vowel. The letter Y was adopted from Greek.

Totally awesome... as mail usually is. And sometimes is also funny...

Postcards sent by Laura (the UK).

Postcard sent by John (the UK). This non-Alice postcard makes me think of the importance of un-birthdays in Alice's Adventures...


  1. I had to look up what 'drudge' means (and who the author was) and I think the description amazingly correct, and it makes me wonder: did he mean to describe it in honestness or - with a kind of self-reflection - cynical?

    1. I worked as lexicographer during some time, and I completely agree with the definition. Especially with the word "harmless" :)

  2. Wow, that lexicographer definition is quite harsh :)

    Great selection of cards, love the not-Alice one.

    1. I think it is the most curious Alice-related postcard I have got!


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