30 June 2019

Women on Stamps | S for Scouts

Scouting or the Scout Movement is a worldwide educational movement that works for the integral development of the young people, that they may play constructive roles in society, with a strong focus on the outdoors and survival skills. It was founded in 1907 in England, and spread later to a large number of countries.

The stamp above was issued in 1962 to honour the 50th anniversary of the Girl Scouts of America. And, the following one, in 1987:

Scouting seems to be a very popular subject for stamps. In 2007, because of the 100th anniversary of scouting, this was the theme of the EUROPA stamps. If you feel curious, you can see here the great variety of stamps issued.

I have received more stamps, featuring girls and boys:

Czech Republic, 2007

Sri Lanka, 2016

Guernsey, 1985

USA, 1998

New Zealand, 1953


For the current round of Sunday Stamps A-Z I am showing stamps dedicated to women. You can see here all the Women on Stamps featured on this blog.

Go to Sunday Stamps to enjoy more S-stamps.


  1. I like the lasso on the Czech stamp I think that is worth a badge.

  2. I do remember being so desperate for some of those badges when I was young that I ended up learning (or doing) things I would not have otherwise thought worthwhile!

  3. I love the Czech stamp. It almost looks like he is trying to lasso the girl playing the guitar!

    1. But without success. It seems he will finish catching himself... :P

  4. There were no girl scouts at my granddaughters' wedding during last week but plenty of ladies prepared to ensure that everything went well. We had several people keeping us entertained with guitars - no lassos..

    1. Better guitars than lassos for a wedding! :)

  5. Another unexpected find for Sunday Stamps. (Are there some words missing at the end of the first paragraph?)

    1. Sorry, you're right. But now I forgot what I meant, so I deleted the incomplete sentence.


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