30 September 2023

29 September 2023

World Postcard Day (2022)

1st October will be World Postcard Day. Are you planning to send a lot of postcards?

Here you have a couple I got last year. From Imma (official design) and Heleen, who attended a meeting in Alkmaar (the Netherlands).

28 September 2023

Thursday Postcard Hunt | The Lichfield Clock

The Lichfield Clock (18th century)
Victoria Art Gallery, Bath, UK

Do you like getting unusual postcards? Of course, unusual might have a different meaning for everyone…

Laura (the UK) sent this one to me last month. I am adding it to Thursday Postcard Hunt. Today's themes is: Tourist Sites - Museums, art galleries, theatres.


Thursday Postcard Hunt

September theme: TOURIST SITES

October theme: Seasons
  • Week 1 - Autumn
  • Week 2 - Summer
  • Week 3 - Spring
  • Week 4 - Winter
Everyone is welcome to share their postcards!

27 September 2023

Een kind kan de was doen

'A child can do the laundry'

Heleen (the Netherlands) sent this postcard for my little collection of Clotheslines. It is a cleverly reused postcard. Originally, it was sent in the 90s (the original stamp is from 1993), to notify the recipients that the sender's phone number had changed.

Heleen wrote over the first message. However, in order to keep the original stamp, she put the postcard in a transparent plastic bag, and stuck the new stamps on the bag. And it arrived safe and sound!

Collages. Greeting Stamps 1993

Vase of tulips & Narrow houses
Truly Holland, 1993

26 September 2023

Peace from Cyprus

It seems the Peace Stamp Project has stopped now. But one more envelope arrived some days ago, this time, from Cyprus. 

25 September 2023

Alphabet 2023 | I Is for Independence

So far, all the postcards of Bryon's project Alphabet 2023 had arrived more or less regularly. But I has revealed really independent. Sent some months ago (April, May?), it never landed in my mailbox. Bryon resent it in August. A bit battered, but it finally appeared! It seems it was a long way from Independence, Iowa.

If someone (apart from Bryon and myself) follow Alphabet 2023, you might have noticed that this postcard is different form the rest of the alphabet. Definitely... I wants to be the star of the project!

Anyway, it bears perfectly matching stamps:

Igor Sikorsky
Iowa Statehood centennial 1846-1946

Insulate the home


24 September 2023

Sunday Stamps | Insects

Some beautifully depicted Insects for today's Sunday Stamps...

Animals in their habitats 
Switzerland, 2022

Monarch caterpillar (Danaus plexippus)
Cecropia moth (Hyalophora cecropia)
Beneficial Insects Definitives
Canada, 2007 & 2009

Elephant hawk-moth (Deilephila elpenor)
Brilliant Bugs
United Kingdom, 2020

Great Diving Beetle
Europa. Pond Life
United Kingdom, 2001

Stag Beetle (Lucanos cervus)
United Kingdom, 1985

23 September 2023


These two letters arrived together in June. But the leaves made me think of Autumn.

Sent by Volha (Czech Republic) and Catherine (France).

22 September 2023

Drawing the Summer | Angry Wine

Drawn envelope sent to Bryon (the USA), following his request.

21 September 2023

Thursday Postcard Hunt | British Beaches


Looking for postcards that fit in today's Thursday Postcard Hunt theme: Tourist Sites - Fun for Kids... I think the beach is always fun for kids!

Upturned boats made into fishermen's huts
Holy Island harbour, Northumberland

Postcards sent by Laura (the UK).


Thursday Postcard Hunt

September theme: TOURIST SITES

  • Week 1 - Nature reserves, parks, gardens
  • Week 2 - Castles, palaces
  • Week 3 - Fun for kids
  • Week 4 - Museums, art galleries, theatres
Everyone is welcome to share their postcards!

20 September 2023

Alphabet 2023 | R Is for Romance

Some Alphabet2023 postcards arrive from really cool places. Like R, sent from Romance (Arizona).

About the matching stamps, you will say whether they are or are not cool: Redhead Decoy, President Theodore Roosevelt, Raccoon, Rings. Roanoke logperch.

19 September 2023

Lighthouses from Germany

This port lighthouse stood on the head of the north mole, the entrance to the Geeste. In the night from August 17 to 18, 2022, the head of the north mole in Bremerhaven sagged and the lighthouse on it got into an extremely dangerous lopsided position. There was a risk that he would fall over completely, so the structure was completely demolished by the end of 2022. The tower is to be rebuilt true to the original as part of the new construction of the pier.

This is the Kleiner Preuße ('Little Prussian') lighthouse at the harbour in Wremen (North Sea). Actually, it is a replica of the original dismantled in 1930. The sender wrote that people can get married in the lighthouse. 

Lighthouses on Lower Saxony's North Sea coast, including Helgoland, located on Germany's only offshore island. It was constructed during World War II as an anti-aircraft tower, and turned into a lighthouse in 1952.

The stamp was issued on 6 July 2023.

Postcards sent by Sabine, Hanna and Kathleen (Germany), through the Postcrossing site.

18 September 2023

The Vanishing Light of the Summer

September has a special light. It made me already dream of the next summer...

Godrevy Wagtail, by Matt Johnson

... And the past ones. 

Sent by Laura (the UK), Heleen (the Netherlands) and Bryon (the USA).

17 September 2023

Sunday Stamps | Modern Buildings

Today's Sunday Stamps is dedicated to Modern Architecture. I think I found a handful of buildings that can fit:

United Kingdom, 1987
This stamp belongs to the set British Architects in Europe, and features the Neue Staatsgalerie ('New State Galerie') in Stuttgart, Germany, designed by James Stirling. It was constructed between 1979 and 1984.

Canada, 1999
The Museum of Anthropology at the University of British Columbia (UBC) campus in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. The museum was officially founded in 1947. In 1976, its new building, designed by renowned Canadian architect Arthur Erickson, opened. 

Poland, 2005
Silesian Theatre (Teatr Śląski) is the largest theatre in Silesia. It is located on the market square in Katowice. It was built in 1905–1907, from plans by German architect Carl Moritz.

Netherlands, 2013
These stamps belong to the multi-year series Grenzeloos Nederland, dedicated to Belgium in 2013. At left, the MAS (Museum aan de Stroom) in Antwerp (Belgium), executed by the Dutch firm Neutelings Riedijk Architecten. At right, a sketch of Museum Hoenderloo (1923), the unexecuted design for a museum on the Veluwe by the Belgian architect Henry van de Velde.

United Kingdom, 2017
Two stamps from the Landmark Buildings set. Above, the Library of Birmingham, opened in 2013. It has been described as the largest public library in the United Kingdom, the largest public cultural space in Europe, and the largest regional library in Europe.

Below, the Everyman Theatre in Liverpool. It was closed in 2011 to be completely rebuilt, and reopened in 2014. The Stirling Prize from the Royal Institute of British Architects for the best British building of the year was awarded to Haworth Tompkins for their work on the new Everyman.
United Kingdom, 2017

Slovakia, 2018
Všeobecná úverová banka, a.s. (abbreviated as VÚB or The Bank) is a retail and commercial bank domiciled in Slovakia with its registered office at Mlynske Nivy 1, Bratislava. The 23-floors building was completed in 1996.

France, 2021
This stamp features the French pavillon in the Expo 2020, which had the theme Lumière, Lumières ('Light, Enlightment'), created by Atelier Perez Prado et Celnikier & Grabli Architectes. Afterwards, it had to be removed and relocated to Toulouse.

16 September 2023

Postbox Saturday | La Fresneda

This is the tiny post office in the village of La Fresneda (Teruel, Spain). 

I like the fact that there are two mail slots on the door. One of them is for posting your letters in (picture below). The other one... is it for getting letters addressed to the post office?

I cannot ask it, because the post office was closed. Actually, it is quite difficult to find it open. The opening hours (?) are from 13:45 to 14:00.

15 September 2023

14 September 2023

Thursday Postcard Hunt | Felderbegturm

Der Feldbergturm in Taunus

Today's Thursday Postcard Hunt theme is Tourist Sites - Castles, Palaces. I think this castlelike tower can fit. 

I got this postcard trough the Postcrossing site, sent by Anastasia (Germany). I had not found a lot of information about this tower on the net: only vintage postcards like this one. The sender says it is the symbol of her trekking club. The tower remains a bit intriguing...


Thursday Postcard Hunt

September theme: TOURIST SITES
  • Week 1 - Nature reserves, parks, gardens
  • Week 2 - Castles, palaces
  • Week 3 - Fun for kids
  • Week 4 - Museums, art galleries, theatres
Everyone is welcome to share their postcards!