25 February 2016

Postcard from Mexico

The first postcard I have received ever from Mexico, sent by Phillip. Actually, I scarcely get mail from American countries other than the USA and Canada. It put a big smile on my face.

It took exactly two months to arrive, from 25 November to 25 January. And... yes: another month to be uploaded here.


  1. És moltíssim! Quin trajecte devia fer?

    1. A mi no em sembla tant, tenint en compte els països, i que les postals no són prioritàries. No tot el món funciona com l'USPS! :P

    2. :D L'important és que arribin, però quan es tracta de dates especials, m'estimo més poder-ho calcular aproximadament.

  2. I thought for sure these cards were lost forever, I sent three, and all three took 2 months to arrive in Morocco, UK, and USA - even more crazy since it is an adjacent country.

    The card shows two small beaches that are only accessible by boat. The smaller is called Lovers Beach, and the larger Divorce Beach. Not sure why, exactly.


Thank you for coming. All your comments make me extremely happy.