06 January 2014

School on Stamps

When I was a child, today tomorrow used to be the hardest day of the year for children. Because we had to come back to the school after a fantastic two-week holidays... And left at home the toys that the Three Wise Men had just brought! Sometimes I still feel reluctant and lazy on 6th January...

Some stamps school-related from Slovenia (the first one) and the Netherlands (the following three):


  1. Lovely stamps, I really like the last two. I think going back to school after a holiday, as awful as it may have seemed at the time, was never so bad as going back to work after a short holiday.

  2. Jo començava el 7 o el 8 i sí que era dur, sí! No m'imagino fer-ho el sis!

  3. @Lisa B
    You're absolutetly right!

    Jo també començava el 7, ha sigut un lapsus! :)

    1. Llegia avui un blog d'un català que viu al Japó des de fa anys i celebra els Reis amb els fills, però després que obrin els regals ell se n'ha d'anar corrents a la feina!

    2. Que trist, tots es queden jugant i ell, a la faena!
      És la festa que més m'agrada, i enguany me l'he hagut de perdre. Tenia l'esperança que els Reis passaren pel Marroc, però no :(

      (De tota manera, he tingut un munt de regals. Cap queixa...!)


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