01 May 2020

UK's Curious Customs Stamps (4)

Padstow ‘Obby ‘Oss 
Location: Padstow, Cornwall 
Timing/Date: 1st May 
BackgroundThe Padstow ‘Obby ‘Oss event involves two strange black beasts called Osses (which some remark as barely resembling horses despite the similar name) swirling and swaying through the streets of Padstow. 
The ‘Ossses are accompanied by drummers, musicians and dancers before they ‘die’ once the clock strikes midnight. 
It is an example of a fairly old tradition, with documents recording that the first year that this custom took place was in 1803.


  1. Another fascinating custom I have never heard of. Makes me curious about its origins.

    1. Actually, all the "customs" on these stamps are new to me. All seem very fun. But, as they involve a lot of people, not to be celebrated this year, I'm afraid. Or, at least, not in the same way.


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